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Да, эти из-за того, что ты вампир на 4-й стадии, когда уже тебя палят. Напейся крови.
While affected by Vampirism, you will experience changes affected by how recently you have "fed" on an NPC. The longer you go without blood, the more powerful your skill increases and powers will become. However, by foregoing your feeding you will also experience dramatic adverse affects such as an increased weakness to fire.
Stage One
In stage one of Vampirism you will not receive any damage from the sun which means that you can move around freely during the daytime. Your appearance will not be as severely affected as it will be in the later stages and people will still be relatively friendly towards you.
Stage Two
In stage two of Vampirism you will be weakened by the sun which stops regeneration. Your appearance will also change to a more gaunt and pale look which may cause some people to remark on your health.
Stage Three
In stage three of Vampirism you will now be weakened even further from the sun and fire. Your appearance will change furthermore.
Stage Four
In stage four of Vampirism you will have 100% weakness to fire and the sun reduces your health by 60 hp. All people will be hostile to you.
In order to remain at stage one of Vampirism, you must feed regularly on any sleeping NPC. To do this press Use while looking at the sleeping NPC.
You can backtrack stages by feeding on an NPC. Meaning if people are hostile towards you, you may feed, and then revert to stage three.