Правда ли, что расположение ЖД на боку сокращает его срок службы на 30%?
Делаю чертеж корпуса (на будущее) и для ЖД места очень мало:

обдув и охлаждение тоже продумать не забудьте, в тесноте очень греться могут, а харды этого не любятpasha4ur: тут важней компактность
Hitachi:The drive will operate in all axes (six directions) and will stay within the specified error
rates when tilted ±5 degrees from these positions. Performance and error rate will stay
within specification limits if the drive is operated in the other permissible orientations from
which it was formatted. Thus a drive formatted in a horizontal orientation will be able to
run vertically and vice versa.
The user is responsible for using the appropriate screws or equivalent mounting hardware
to mount the drive securely enough to prevent excessive motion or vibration of the drive at
seek operation or spindle rotation.
WD:Even linear vibrations applied on a chassis may get converted to
RV at the drive level if a chassis is not designed appropriately.An example of this would be a drive bay structure that is notrigidly
attached to a chassis.
RV produces the effect of making a hard drive vibrate about an axis. The effect of thisvibration on hard drive is a loss of data
transfer rate performance.
Seagate:All vibration specifications assume that the drive is mounted securely with the input vibration applied at the drive
mounting screws. Vibration may be applied in the X, Y or Z axis. Throughput may vary if improperly mounted.
Seagate:Load-unload cycles 300,000 (25°C, 50% rel. humidity) (600,000 design life testing)
The product shall achieve an Annualized Failure Rate (AFR) of 0.73% (MTBF of 1.2 million hours) when oper-ated nominal power and typical case temperatures of 40°C
WD:All values are typical (25°C, 5.0V, and 12V input) except where specified as maximum.
Our customers operate their drive (perhaps) here 25°C