Вот это у Gudlaf спросите - он толковыми китайскими наушниками занимается. Из брендового - ничего, т.к. за эти деньги все они - полное фуфло по звуку. Да и по качеству в целом. Уточните только, какого типа и для какого источника нужны наушники.что порекомендуете в пределах 300т грн?
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Advanced Member
- Откуда: Житомир
Gudlaf подскажите уши в пределах 300т грн, типа сенхов px100 II или hd228/238, желательно белые.
- Откуда: Украина
Есть такое белое - http://gudlaf.com.ua/products/astrotec_as200" target="_blank , но фуфел.svin:Gudlaf подскажите уши в пределах 300т грн, типа сенхов px100 II или hd228/238, желательно белые.
http://gudlaf.com.ua/products/astrotec_as100" target="_blank - а вот это очень толковые уши. Однозначно будут куда лучше чем сенхи из вашего списка
Advanced Member
кстати, интересует вот это вот: http://gudlaf.com.ua/products/zaushiny_meelectronics" target="_blank Есть оно? Они изгинабельные, или просто пластиковая отливка, сохраняющая изначальную форму?
кстати, интересует вот это вот: http://gudlaf.com.ua/products/zaushiny_meelectronics" target="_blank Есть оно? Они изгинабельные, или просто пластиковая отливка, сохраняющая изначальную форму?
- Откуда: Украина
Только белые от SoundMagic.eikei:Gudlaf
кстати, интересует вот это вот: http://gudlaf.com.ua/products/zaushiny_meelectronics" target="_blank Есть оно?
Advanced Member
Почитал тут: http://www.meelec.com/MEElectronics_Ove ... ide-cl.htm" target="_blank Вроде то, что нужно по свойствам. После праздников стукну - нужно будет приобрести пару.
Наушники Superlux HD669
Серёга DEVES -о них тут писал
Серёга DEVES -о них тут писал
- Откуда: Одесса
Кто что думает про эти уши - Vsonic GR99
- Откуда: Грозный (Раньше Киев)
Reviewed June 2012
Details: Entry-level model from VSonic
Current Price: $28 from lendmeurears.com (MSRP: est $28)
Specs: Driver: Dynamic | Imp: 24? | Sens: 103 dB | Freq: 20-20k Hz | Cable: 4.1' I-plug
Nozzle Size: 5.5mm | Preferred tips: stock single-flanges
Wear Style: Straight down or over-the-ear
Accessories (3/5) - Single-flange UE-style (medium) and hybrid-style (7 sizes) silicone tips, shirt clip, and soft drawstring carrying pouch
Build Quality (4/5) – The GR99 is constructed very well, with solid-feeling housings featuring metal nozzles, filters, and rear grilles. Strain reliefs are strong and flexible and the cable is sturdy despite being thinner than the cords on other VSonic IEMs. Attention to detail is good - colored rings around the rear grilles act as L/R designations and a small bump is present ton the right strain relief for identification in the dark. No cable cinch is present
Isolation (3.5/5) – Good for a vented dynamic-driver IEM
Microphonics (3.5/5) – Tolerable when worn cable-down; very low with over-the-ear wear
Comfort (4/5) – The straight-barrel housings are larger than average but smooth and comfortable in the ear. Tip selection is less generous compared to higher-end VSonics but still greater than expected for the price
Sound (7.2/10) – The entry-level model in VSonic’s growing lineup, the GR99 was tuned to retain the hallmark clarity and natural sound of the higher-end models while emphasizing deep bass for a consumer-friendly ‘wow’ factor. The low end of the GR99 is not the tightest or most controlled, giving up some definition and detail to the higher-end models, but it has great depth and power. Mid-bass punch is strong as well – the GR99 easily matches the Soundmagic E10 in impact and calling it ‘bassy’ is not a stretch.
There is a bit of bass bleed and the overall tone is on the warm side. The mids are clear and positioned well – not as recessed as one might expect with the amount of bass the GR99 can crank out. Detail and clarity do lag slightly behind the pricier GR02 and the id America Spark, as well as the far more balanced-sounding Monoprice 8320, but considering the price and sound signature the GR99 is difficult to fault on either count.
At the top the GR99 is smooth and pleasant. It is the darkest-sounding of all of the VSonic IEMs I’ve heard but treble presence is still sufficient. The occasional predisposition of the GR07, GR06, and even GR02 towards slightly hot treble and accentuating the sibilance is all but absent with the GR99. It is also less bright than the Soundmagic E10, which follows a more v-shaped response. The presentation, too, is pleasant all around – the soundstage is average or slightly above average in size – the Soundmagic E10 and E30, for example, are more spacious. However, the GR99, while not as dynamic as the GR02, has decent enough instrument separation and conveys both depth and width for a fairly well-rounded sonic image.
Value (10/10) – The GR99 is yet another heavyweight offering from VSonic, this time in the bargain sub-$30 category. Its emphasis on sub-bass and smooth treble differentiate it from the higher-end VSonic models while making it well-suited for the consumer market. Good build quality and overall usability, as well as a generous selection of tips, make the GR99 even more difficult to beat as a total package.
Pros: Well-built, impressively functional, great sound for the money
http://www.head-fi.org/t/478568/multi-i ... d-09-05-12" target="_blank
Reviewed June 2012
Details: Entry-level model from VSonic
Current Price: $28 from lendmeurears.com (MSRP: est $28)
Specs: Driver: Dynamic | Imp: 24? | Sens: 103 dB | Freq: 20-20k Hz | Cable: 4.1' I-plug
Nozzle Size: 5.5mm | Preferred tips: stock single-flanges
Wear Style: Straight down or over-the-ear
Accessories (3/5) - Single-flange UE-style (medium) and hybrid-style (7 sizes) silicone tips, shirt clip, and soft drawstring carrying pouch
Build Quality (4/5) – The GR99 is constructed very well, with solid-feeling housings featuring metal nozzles, filters, and rear grilles. Strain reliefs are strong and flexible and the cable is sturdy despite being thinner than the cords on other VSonic IEMs. Attention to detail is good - colored rings around the rear grilles act as L/R designations and a small bump is present ton the right strain relief for identification in the dark. No cable cinch is present
Isolation (3.5/5) – Good for a vented dynamic-driver IEM
Microphonics (3.5/5) – Tolerable when worn cable-down; very low with over-the-ear wear
Comfort (4/5) – The straight-barrel housings are larger than average but smooth and comfortable in the ear. Tip selection is less generous compared to higher-end VSonics but still greater than expected for the price
Sound (7.2/10) – The entry-level model in VSonic’s growing lineup, the GR99 was tuned to retain the hallmark clarity and natural sound of the higher-end models while emphasizing deep bass for a consumer-friendly ‘wow’ factor. The low end of the GR99 is not the tightest or most controlled, giving up some definition and detail to the higher-end models, but it has great depth and power. Mid-bass punch is strong as well – the GR99 easily matches the Soundmagic E10 in impact and calling it ‘bassy’ is not a stretch.
There is a bit of bass bleed and the overall tone is on the warm side. The mids are clear and positioned well – not as recessed as one might expect with the amount of bass the GR99 can crank out. Detail and clarity do lag slightly behind the pricier GR02 and the id America Spark, as well as the far more balanced-sounding Monoprice 8320, but considering the price and sound signature the GR99 is difficult to fault on either count.
At the top the GR99 is smooth and pleasant. It is the darkest-sounding of all of the VSonic IEMs I’ve heard but treble presence is still sufficient. The occasional predisposition of the GR07, GR06, and even GR02 towards slightly hot treble and accentuating the sibilance is all but absent with the GR99. It is also less bright than the Soundmagic E10, which follows a more v-shaped response. The presentation, too, is pleasant all around – the soundstage is average or slightly above average in size – the Soundmagic E10 and E30, for example, are more spacious. However, the GR99, while not as dynamic as the GR02, has decent enough instrument separation and conveys both depth and width for a fairly well-rounded sonic image.
Value (10/10) – The GR99 is yet another heavyweight offering from VSonic, this time in the bargain sub-$30 category. Its emphasis on sub-bass and smooth treble differentiate it from the higher-end VSonic models while making it well-suited for the consumer market. Good build quality and overall usability, as well as a generous selection of tips, make the GR99 even more difficult to beat as a total package.
Pros: Well-built, impressively functional, great sound for the money
http://www.head-fi.org/t/478568/multi-i ... d-09-05-12" target="_blank
- Откуда: Житомир
GIM49 у меня Superlux HD668В, отличные уши.
Gudlaf а у Astrotec AS-100 амбошюры не большие? не больше чем у сенхов?
Gudlaf а у Astrotec AS-100 амбошюры не большие? не больше чем у сенхов?
- Откуда: Украина
Нет, не большиеsvin:GIM49 у меня Superlux HD668В, отличные уши.
Gudlaf а у Astrotec AS-100 амбошюры не большие? не больше чем у сенхов?
Сиджу в маршрутці їхати досить довго,взяв свої навушники з дому - люди дивляться як на космонавта(мені взагалі все одно)головне,що я нікого не чую і у них грає улюблена музика. Коли з'являться "зайві" гроші візьму собі якісь маленькі
- Откуда: Warsaw
Я спокойно хожу по улице в своих K550, никакого дискомфорта.
Я спокойно хожу по улице в своих K550, никакого дискомфорта.
- Откуда: Украина
Ну у него по-больше будут Хотя и К550 огромныmuronov22:viperest1
Я спокойно хожу по улице в своих K550, никакого дискомфорта.
- Откуда: Днепропетровская обл.
Не посоветуете гарнитуру с хорошим звучанием? Вот к этой присмотрелся, но что-то с Plantronics дела не имел и не видел их никогда http://market.yandex.ua/model.xml?model ... id=6368403" target="_blank
- Откуда: Киев
Народ, игровые наушники чем-нибудь отличаются от обычных? Или это просто слова?
Например, если я куплю вроде как нормальные наушники http://hotline.ua/computer-naushniki-ga ... -fx/?tab=2" target="_blank то смогу ли я услышать с какой стороны крадется враг? Или это возможно только в "игровых" наушниках?
Например, если я куплю вроде как нормальные наушники http://hotline.ua/computer-naushniki-ga ... -fx/?tab=2" target="_blank то смогу ли я услышать с какой стороны крадется враг? Или это возможно только в "игровых" наушниках?
- Откуда: Черкаси
У такому бюджеті я б трохи доплатив та придбав би German Maestro GMP 8.35 D чи Audio-Technica ATH-M50Sbugaga1100:куплю вроде как нормальные наушники
- Откуда: Киев
А что насчет игровые наушники чем-нибудь отличаются от обычных? ?
А что насчет игровые наушники чем-нибудь отличаются от обычных? ?
- Откуда: Черкаси
Тут не підкажу, ігрових не слухав.bugaga1100:игровые наушники чем-нибудь отличаются от обычных?
- Откуда: Киев
И на том спасибо
И на том спасибо