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Thief 4
- Звідки: Київ
Потрібна допомога, може в когось була така проблема, у 8-ій главі тупо перестала зберігатись і мало того, після кат-сцени завантажує на початок глави (зміна дати не допомагає, якесь враження що після переходу на літній час таке почалось тому що останні зберігання датовані 31.03).
- Звідки: Vancouver, Canada
Последнее обновление ставь (1.4), там исправлен этот баг.
We have just made public a new version of the PC version of Thief, v1.4 build 4133.3.
This patch will address the following issues.
- Fixed an issue where when finishing a chapter, the user would be brought back to the start. That primarily occurred around the April 1st.
- Fixed several audio issues, including:
- Issues with sound occlusion, being able to hear NPCs talking through walls.
- Issues with music being relatively loud in several chapters.
- Issue with credits music.
- Fixed an issue with shadows that would occur on certain Nvidia and Intel GPUs.
- Fixed issues where the quicksave would be overwritten.
- Quicksaves now occupy a seperate slot internally and in the loading menu. To load a quicksave press F9 or go into the Load menu and select the Quicksave Slot.
- Increased dedicated texture memory pool size for Intel GPUs.
- Fixed an issue where several documents were missing.
- Fixed an issue where the Spectral Aspect trinket had no effect.
- Fixed an issue where player was unable to look around while using the handwheel.
- Button prompts in the station screens now update automatically based on the user input method.
- Several minor bug fixes.
- Звідки: Київ
(чого я його ненагуглив,не зрозуміло